Opinionated Conjecture: Why are Public Relations teams afraid?

Why are Public Relations Teams Afraid?

Much akin to the silly cat jumping away in fright in the video shown, there's a problem with Public Relations teams in many video games companies. Perhaps this is a problem that originated further up towards the head. Maybe it's because of a singular leader head that doesn't want to create problems. Either way, the awful trend of community avoidance is often a frequent contributor to problems that can occur within and without the company.

Whenever a bad PR incident occurs around a game, there is often a form of forum or talk space that the players will often gather that, may or may not, be hosted on the main website of the developer. Whether or not this space is in-house or on the same servers as what the company may work is not the issue. The issue is, that the players are talking. They are talking about our game negatively. Of course this is a problem. Negative light can lose players or make new customers less likely to commit to the game as it is. So, a bad habit that PR teams have been having recently is to just ignore the problem all together; jumping away from it and running with their tails low.

This is obviously not positive. Players will scream for acknowledgement or some sort fix for weeks, if not months and no amount of pivoting or ignorance can get them to stop. So, the PR teams neglect the playerbase and just bring their complaints to the developers in hopes of the problem being fixed soon so that they may bring back naught but good news to their screaming masses. In times of crisis, having the decency to assure others is far better than to not say anything at all, then hope for the best within a week. It creates distrust and will continue to garner a frame of mediocrity.
